Pickleball & Volleyball

We’ve had some questions regarding the cost of these activities for this season. We rent the gym from the school board, that cost has double this year. Our required insurance didn’t get less expensive either. Last year we played from the 1st of Nov to the end of April, this year we are starting one month earlier for same cost as last year, volleyball was $80 for the season, pickleball was $40 & $60 for the 2 sessions last season. Please understand calculate fees based on the minimum number of participants to cover our costs. We understand it is a lot of money upfront, contact us we’ll work with you to make it work. Volunteering is an option that will save you money as well. Forms for both activities are below and must be submitted before playing. Payment information is on the forms Due to the smaller courts, participants may try either sports during the 1st week of play but a waiver must be signed.

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